Sunday, July 18, 2010

Trophy Husband

Everyone deserves one. Someone who you are proud to show off and (more importantly) someone who isn't completely embarrassed to be around you. Matt and I met at Culver's, and our first date was at Chipotle. I'm not too worried about embarrassing myself.

My good friend Courtney asked our guys to plan a double date, so (of course) they picked the trashiest bar around, Cowboy Jacks. You can throw peanut shells on the ground. Enough said. C and I went along with it. Upon arrival, the boys immediately started to plot how they would become trophy husbands while C and I brought home the bacon. Unfortunately for them, C and I will probably work with non-profits for the duration of our lives. Looks like someone else will have to get a job.

Apparently, Matt wants to be a PGA golfer. When he makes all his money through winning the masters, I get my turn at being the trophy.

Yeah, right.

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