Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Growing Up

I was that little girl in the grocery store posing in front of the Stouffer's lasagna because I could see my reflection in the glass of the frozen foods section. That toddler at daycare coloring instead of napping with the other children because she'd rather be sharing her theories on Disney Princesses with the teachers than dreaming the day away, yeah that was me.

And despite the fact that I still put my chapstick on in the frozen foods section, call myself the first brown Disney princess (before that Princess and the Frog movie), and eat mac and cheese like it's a delicacy, I'm supposed to be a grown up. I started working when I was 13 as a receptionist for my father. The feel of new office supplies, desk organizers and day planners has become an obsession. My teens were spent working not to buy the next N'Sync album, but to climb the professional ladder, so I could start on top once I graduated. Turns out, there is no such thing as a professional ladder.

A public relations major with a minor in Spanish, a passion for unpaid work and an addiction to internships. I think I'll just be a professional volunteer.

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