Monday, October 4, 2010

The Bucket List

Well, tomorrow came and went. Here is the list of new projects I created:

1. Pick up knitting...again.
2. Learn to cook.
3. Work out more.
4. Read a book for fun.
5. Get 8 hours of sleep.
6. Create a budget for the rest of the year.
7. Set up informational interviews at an agency, corporation, and nonprofit organization.

Projects 1-6 look a lot like the bucket list of an empty nesting 40-something. When I really think about it, my nest is pretty empty. I live alone in a studio apartment; I can drink wine on a Tuesday without judgment; and I'm suddenly realizing how much time I have on my hands without other people in the house. I am my mother.

Project 7 is something that just needs to be done. It's one of those things you put off until it's almost too late and you panic. Panic mode on. I'm addicted to job searching. I get a rush from the idea of employers continuing to post job openings on or despite the jobless economy. It's a total buzz kill when I realize I can't apply for any of these positions until I'm closer to graduation in the spring.

Working as in communications at the same company for 4 summers and several other internships helped me get my feet in the door, but without an internship or event planning project this fall, I feel a little stale. Hopefully Project 7 will help.

If not, I will knit myself a reindeer sweater and revert back to Projects 1-6.